Highly Effective Leadership: Are You a Leader of Cats or Dogs?

By Elijah Medge, Los Angeles, December 2015 Cats and dogs I’ve had pets all my life. The first was a guinea pig. It had minimal personality, as you might expect of a rodent, but it was all the responsibility I could handle as a young child. My next pet was a...

4 Ways Skydiving is Exactly Like Entrepreneurship

TWEET THIS  Your fear only eases once you forget the ‘what-ifs’ and start taking action.  The exhilaration of controlling my own destiny was far greater than my trepidation. By Elijah Medge, Los Angeles, November 2015 I finally did something that I’ve been...

The Best Recipe for Success? Repeated Failure. Just Ask Kobe.

TWEET THIS  Those with enough chutzpah to ignore societal pressure are the ones who become the biggest successes. By Elijah Medge, Los Angeles, October 2015 Basketball is a great sport. It’s the perfect release for competitive energy and it’s far more fun...

How Does One Cultivate a Positive Attitude?

TWEET THIS  Being positive does not mean that you have to be overly cheerful, jovial, or constantly smiling.  Filling your mind with worries and focusing on things you can’t change will do nothing for your productivity. By Elijah Medge, Los Angeles, August 2015...

What is the Best Advice for a Young, First-Time Startup CEO?

What is the Best Advice for a Young, First-Time Startup CEO? TWEET THIS Once you decide to take the plunge, get ready to throw out all excuses and take 100% accountability for your results. Most people do not have the self-discipline and mental stamina required to be...

9 Unique Tips for Creating a Great Work Environment

9 Unique Tips for Creating a Great Work Environment Checkout this SlideShare from Elijah Medge for some great tips on enhancing your corporate culture! Read specific suggestions for creating a cohesive, highly functioning team… not to mention a staff who...

Elijah Medge on the “Sour Grapes” Career Mistake

TWEET THIS  ‘Work’ has an incredible power to make people change their goals.  Wait a minute… All it took were a few challenges to cause you to abandon your goals? Throughout nearly a decade of mentoring young professionals, I have noticed an interesting, but...

The Pain of Discipline Versus the Pain of Regret

TWEET THIS  The pain of regret is the permanent discomfort caused by missed opportunity.  In life, the pain of discipline weighs ounces, while the pain of regret weighs tons. By Elijah Medge, Long Beach, May 2015 I received this question from a mentee:...